UCLA School of Medicine
Study Role
His research uses computational modeling strategies to identify transcription factors that mediate socio-environmental influences on gene expression and genetic polymorphisms that modify those effects to create Gene x Environment interactions. Dr. Cole is member of the Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Norman Cousins Center, the UCLA Molecular Biology Institute, and the NCI Network on Biobehavioral Pathways in Cancer, and he holds a joint appointment in UCLA’s Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences.
University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine
Study Role
He is also well know for his work and education in interventional pain procedures and is the authority in applying ultrasound-guided intervention for pain medicine. He has practiced traditional Tai Chi for 16 years and learned the Yang style Tai Chi directly from his father.
Dr. Philip Peng is a full professor in the Department of Anesthesia of University of Toronto.
He has played an important role in the education of the pain medicine and established major teaching courses for Pain in Canada such as National Pain Refresher Course, Canadian Pain Interventional Course, and Ultrasound for Pain Medicine Course. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) honored him with Founder designation in Pain Medicine for his role in establishing Pain Medicine subspecialty in Canada. Besides, he currently serves as the Chair of Exam committee in Pain Medicine in RCPSC, and previously served as the chair of the Education Special Interest Group (SIG) of Canadian Pain Society and the founding executive of Pain Education SIG of International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP). He has been honored with numerous teaching awards at national and regional level.
Dr. Philip Peng is also a leader and pioneer in the application of ultrasound for pain medicine. Being one of the founding fathers for Ultrasound for Pain Medicine (USPM) SIG for ASRA (American Society of Regional Anesthesia), he was involved in the establishment of the guideline for Education and Training for USPM, which was adopted by five continents. He is the co-chair for the new Ultrasound for Pain Medicine Exam Certificate and chair for the Musculoskeletal Pain Ultrasound Cadaver workshop for ASRA. He has been the chair or main organizer for various major teaching course for USPM, including satellite meeting of World Congress of Pain, International Pain Congress, satellite meeting for combined Canadian and British Pain Society Conference, International Symposium of Ultrasound for Regional Anesthesia (ISURA), Canadian Pain Interventional Course.
He has edited 7 books, written 53 book chapters and published more than 90 peer-reviewed publications.
McMaster University, Hamilton ON
Study Role
McMaster University, Radiation Oncology, Hamilton ON
Study Role
Dr. Wong completed his undergraduate training and postgraduate training in Diagnostic Radiology at the University of Hong Kong. He furthered his training in Radiation Oncology at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario and obtained a Clinical/Research Fellowship at the Princess Margaret Hospital. He became an Active Staff member at the Juravinski Cancer Centre in 1997. He obtained a Diploma in Chinese Herbology from China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing.
His clinical expertise is gastrointestinal and skin cancers. His main research interest is in the integration of evidence-based complementary medicine, in particular acupuncture and Chinese Medicine into conventional oncology care. He published extensively in this area and was awarded by the International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques for his outstanding research work. He is currently principle investigator for multicentre and in-house trials to examine the effect of acupuncture in treating cancer treatment related complications.